Members enjoying the Pentecost picnic

Life in Our Community

For information on how to get involved, please call the church office at 770-455-6523

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

The goal of the Brotherhood is to bring men and youth to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our ministry rests on three disciplines: Prayer, Service, and Fellowship. We would like to welcome newcomers to St. Patrick's Church by inviting you to come to a future Brotherhood meeting, which usually occurs on the third Wednesday of every month (except for the months of November and December). The Brotherhood meetings are scheduled from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. We gather in the parish hall and kitchen where dinner is served at 6:30 followed by reading the upcoming Sunday's lectionary and also turn to prayer. We make ample time for socialization both before dinner and after 7:30.


Eucharistic Visiting

A Eucharistic Visitor (EV) acts under the direction of the clergy and is a lay person authorized to take the consecrated elements in a timely manner following the Celebration of Holy Eucharist, to members of the congregation who, because of illness or disability, are unable to be present physically as part of the worshipping community.

The model we have adopted, since Fall 2018, links one EV to each homebound beloved, initially for up to 3 months. Personality, gender and geography are all considered as the leadership team discerns each pair.

This model, so far, is proving to be both sustainable and satisfying for both visitor and visited. This is a beautiful vibrant ministry.



Foyers is fellowship activity open to all members and newcomers. Foyers consists of parishioners meeting together in each other’s homes to break bread together and share good fellowship with gatherings typically held every four to six weeks during the year. Foyers is a fun and easy way for parishioners to gather together on a regular, but informal basis. Foyers provides a means to develop new friendships and deepen old ones informally outside the pew. Newcomers are especially invited to join at any time.


Funeral Receptions

The Funeral Reception Ministry lovingly cares for the family and friends of the deceased by providing a beautiful reception following the funeral service. Ministry members donate trays of sandwiches, sweets, fruits and more, as well as, provided set up and clean up. Serving in this ministry is as needed and as you are available. When a funeral is announced, the ministry head sends out an email indicating needed food and volunteer help.


Hospital Visits

Our Pastoral Care Team, including clergy and experienced lay visitors, are available to parishioners for pastoral visits at the hospital. We are honored to come before or during a hospitalization to pray and anoint for healing, and when prayer and a friendly ear would be helpful. We expect those desiring a visit to be proactive and let our team know, directly. If you or a loved one desire a visit from our team, please call the parish office at 770-455-6523.


Intercessory Prayer Team

This ministry (presently 9 parishioners) prays daily for the special needs and prayers offered by parishioners and visitors on the Prayer Request Cards found in the pews. In addition, for a Ministry Pillar and each month for two letters of the alphabet, as we pray through the Parish Directory.

A beautiful ministry, please join us if this practice calls to you.


Pastoral Visits

Our Pastoral Care Team, including clergy and experienced lay visitors, are available to parishioners for pastoral visits at home. We are honored to come to pray and anoint for healing, and to visit in the home when prayer and a friendly ear would be helpful. We expect those desiring a visit to be proactive and let our team know, directly. If you or a loved one desire a visit from our team, please call the parish office at 770-455-6523.


Parish Events

Parish Events are organized and led by vestry members, but supported and run by the entire parish. Most months there is a parish event organized to share and enjoy liturgical holidays throughout the year.

Some highlights include Epiphany burning of the greens, Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, Easter breakfast and egg hunt, a Pentecost picnic, discovery weekend, weekend retreats, trunk or treat, an All Saint’s and All Souls feast, and advent wreath making.