Wife kissing husband's foot at Maundy Thursday Foot Washing

Prayer and Worship

For information on how to get involved, please call the church office at 770-455-6523


A/V Team

This ministry is focused on the operation and maintenance of audio (microphones and speakers and related equipment), the digital control board, and lighting during Sunday services. This also involves the projection of hymns during the 10:30 service, as well as other A/V tasks during events during the year.



Like many other communities of faith, St. Patrick’s incorporates younger members into active roles during worship. Acolytes are young people, age 8 and up, who assist in the Liturgy and Eucharist on Sundays and holy days. Acolytes begin as torchbearers, literally lighting the Word of God by carrying torches (long candles). They later serve as gospel bearers, carrying the Word itself, or as crucifers, who carry the cross, as the name implies, and assist the celebrant at the altar during the Eucharist.

Training sessions are held several times a year for new and continuing acolytes. We also sponsor casual social gatherings for fun. We participate in the biannual Diocesan Acolyte Festival at the Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, and the national festival in Washington, DC, as appropriate.


Altar Guild

“O Jesus, Bread of Life, to have even a small part in making ready for Your coming to Your people gives me a joy that my mind cannot possess, but my spirit senses it and I give great thanks.” 

-Marty Thompson

While we are a “behind the scenes” ministry, we are an integral part of every service.  Being an Altar Guild member gives us an opportunity to honor the Lord and prepare His table.  We find it a blessing and a privilege to be allowed to care for the Holy things of God.


Choir and Musicians

Everyone here is a part of the music ministry at St. Patrick’s!!

"We Are Many Parts, We Are All One Body." Just as the hand, foot, head... each have their unique jobs, not one without the other, we too must find how we are called to take part in the music at St. Patrick’s.

Congregational Singing - If you attend St. Patrick’s worship services, you are part of the most important music ensemble at our church! God's word tells us again and again to lift our voices in song to praise, worship, encourage, mourn, testify, and teach. Music has the power to express things that mere words cannot, and we hope that all those who participate in worship will join the congregational song with full hearts and voices.

St. Patrick’s Choir - Our choral ensemble provides musical leadership at our 10:30 am Sunday services. The choir also prepares for special seasonal services and concerts throughout the year. This group performs a wide variety of musical styles and is open to anyone, regardless of age, musical training or experience. Come sing with us!! Rehearsals are at 7:30 pm every  Wednesday.

Solos and Small Ensembles - We love to include vocal or instrumental music, separate from our regular ensembles, in worship at St. Patrick’s. We are always looking for opportunities to use the talents of guests and those in our congregation. If you would like to share your musical gifts, or know someone who might, please let us know!



The last of the four services in the Daily Office (BCP, p. 127). It is descended from the night prayers said before bed at the end of the monastic round of daily prayer. Compline is a simple office including a confession of sins, one or more psalms, a short reading from scripture, versicles and responses, the Lord's Prayer, collects which ask for God's protection during the night to come, and the canticle Nunc dimittis. A hymn for the evening may follow the short reading from scripture. The collects may be followed by a time of silence, along with free intercessions and thanksgivings.


Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship.


Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and Intercessors

Liturgy comes from a Latin word meaning “the work of the people.”  All of us take part in leading the liturgy, through singing, praying and joining in the Eucharistic celebration.  Among the many who lead our liturgy on Sunday mornings are those who read the scriptures assigned for the day (Lectors), those who lead the Prayers of the People (Intercessors) and those who serve the chalice (Eucharistic Ministers).  These ministries are open to youth and adults, after modest training.


Pastoral Liturgy

(Baptisms/Confirmations, Receptions, Reaffirmations/Weddings/Funerals/Memorial Services)

For detailed information on Baptisms/Confirmation, Receptions, Reaffirmations/Weddings/Funerals/Memorial Services, please visit our Worship page.


Each week an usher is at the door to greet parishioners and welcome visitors as they enter the church.  During and after the worship service, oftentimes in the background, a team of four ushers continue to have many interactions with worshipers and their families.  A primary goal is to guide the congregation during the Eucharist, assist clergy throughout the service, and help maintain an atmosphere of friendliness and reverence.



A verger is a lay minister who assists the clergy in the conduct of public worship, especially in the marshaling of processions. The history of the verger dates back to the middle ages when the verger was the "Protector of the Procession." The verger would lead the way, making room for the procession to enter the church from the town square, and with the virge (mace) in hand would literally clear the way if necessary. The ministry of vergers is supported and encouraged by the Vergers' Guild of the Episcopal Church.

Vergers at St. Patrick’s organize the other servers, mark the bible and Altar Book for the appropriate readings and liturgies, and ensure the smooth running of our services. You can identify the verger at a service at St. Patrick’s by their the virge (rod) they carry, and their distinctive vestments: a gray chamire over a black cassock.


Vestry Person of the Day (VPOD)

Members of the Vestry take turns being the Vestry Person of the Day, better known as VPOD, on Sundays throughout the year. The VPOD is responsible for getting to the Church at 7:30am on Sunday morning to open up the Church, turn on the lights, and make the coffee to get it ready for the 8:00am service, Sunday School, and after the 10:30am service.

Once the church is open and ready to welcome all our St. Patrick’s community and visitors, the VPOD is usually in the church office to answer phone calls and help with any needs that may come up prior to the services. The VPOD will join the Greeters in the Narthex prior to the 10:30am service to meet, greet, and answer any questions from parishioners or visitors. Once the service begins, the VPOD will lock all classrooms. During the service, the VPOD will periodically walk the halls looking for unattended children and youth who will be directed to the service or to their parents. This is to make sure our children and youth are safe.

When the coffee hour is over after the 10:30am service, the VPOD will wash and put away the coffee urns, do some minor clean-up, lock up the church, turn on the alarms and leave.

Being the VPOD is really a rewarding experience. It gives each member of the Vestry an opportunity to be visible to the parishioners and visitors on Sunday and be available for questions or needs that may arise. It is what servant leadership is about.